Integration of the ADIsimPower design tools with the ADIsimPE Linear and Mixed-Signal Circuit Simulator powered by SIMetrix/SIMPLIS provides circuit designers with additional tools to meet their design requirements.
The ADIsimPE tool can be found on the Analog Devices website at the following location:
A quick start guide for ADIsimPE is also available at:
Here is a quick guide to help you through the process:
- Install the ADIsimPE simulation tool
- Open the ADIsimPower design tool and enter the design as you normally would.(ADP238x_Buck design tool is used in this demonstration)
- Once you have finished editing the components in the BOM tool, you can generate a simulation file by clicking on the “Simulate with ADIsimPE/Simplis” button
- A window will open that will allow you to select the type of simulation you want to run.
- Click the “Export & Run Simplis Model” and a window will open asking you to save the exported schematic.
- Once the file is saved, the ADIsimPE tool will open with the exported schematic and be ready for simulation.
- To run the simulation – either select from the File Menu “Simulator” – “Run” or press “F9”
- Customize your Design
- Any of the components can be edited to customize the simulation results.
- To edit a component value – either Double click the component or click on the component and press “F7”, then enter the new component value.
Additional information regarding the operation of ADIsimPE can be found in the ADIsimPE help menu.
Note - Some component values may not match the BOM component value description. This is most commonly observed with the input and output capacitors. The design tool exports the effective value of the component, taking into account the manufacturer's derating in an effort to provide accurate simulation results.