I redesign a board, In that board I used the ADM3053. In previous version of
this board I have problems related with EMI (the board is out of Class B
Limits). I have a limited space for ADM3053 layout. With this space I only have
39pf for Stitching Capacitance. What can I do to improve the capacitance
without change the layout size?
We have guidelines on this topic, we rely on the attached application note
AN-0971 and the ADM3053 datasheet guidelines on PCB layout/capacitor placement.
For a small PCB area, the most relevant method of implementing the stitching
capacitance is the gap overlap method described on page 7 of AN-0971. It’s
possible to repeatedly overlap planes if multiple board layers are possible
(e.g. even 6, 8, 12 layers).