Could you please advise, what is ADIs preferred PMIC solution for Altera Arria
10 FPGA.
Unfortunately the datasheet is still preliminary and we would need to know
which version and usage case (processor speed, logic gate used transceivers
datarates, etc) to determine the current requirements. As far as voltage and
sequencing we can easily meet them with multiple products depending on their
available power rails (12V or 5V or other?). Also they would have to use the
Altera EPE tool to determine the detailed needs (see the copied section below
Table 6).
Table 6 listed the voltage requirements which are easy to achieve with products
like the ADP5052/4. Your customer may be interested in the I2C version parts to
adjust the core voltage.
ADM717x would be recommended for the PLL supply (1.8V) as they have stringent
phase noise requirements for the transceivers.
So please introduce the ADP5052 & ADP5054 as multi-rail power solution for
powering the Altera Arria 10 and the ADM7170/1/2 as the PLL supply. If you can
get further details on the power supply requirements of the design we can try
and put a more detailed solution together.