Question: The MAX8902 datasheet recommend to use a 0.01uF capacitor between BYP and GND. Can I use a 1uF capacitor here?
The capacitor connected from BYP to OUT filters the noise of the reference, feedback resistors, and regulator input stage and provides a high-speed feedback path for improved transient response. A 0.01µF capacitor rolls off input noise at approximately 32Hz. The slew rate of the output voltage during startup is also determined by the BYP capacitor. A 0.01µF capacitor sets the slew rate to 5V / ms. This startup rate results in a 50mA slew current drawn from the input at startup to charge the 10µF output capacitance.
The BYP capacitor value can be adjusted from 0.001µF to 0.1µF to change the startup slew rate according to the following formula:
Startup slew rate = (5V / ms) x (0.01µF / CBYP)
So we recomend to use a capacitor within 0.1µF
Note that this slew rate applies only at startup, and that recovery from a short circuit occurs at a slew rate approximately 500 times slower. Also note that, being a low-frequency filter node, BYP is sensitive to leakage. BYP leakage currents above 10nA cause measurable inaccuracy at the output and should be avoided.