On page 6, the file names are listed, but these are not links for "downloading" the files. These files are already attached to the datasheet that you have already downloaded.
Component List and Schematic
Refer to the following files attached to this data sheet for component information and schematic:
● MAXM17544_EV_BOM.xls
● MAXM17544_EV_Schematic.pdf
How to access and view the files:
This depends on your pdf viewer program. Most pdf viewers should allow access to attached files to the primary pdf document. If not, try another pdf viewer. If using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, the attachments appear at the far left side-bar as a "paperclip" icon. You will need to navigate to the attachments tab where you will see both a bill of materials spreadsheet, and a schematic pdf file. When you click on these they will open up for viewing.