What is the expected value of ADM2682E start up current when driving 120R load and no load conditions.
We encountered with an interesting situation. We have 5V/250mA power supply and our circuit's nominal current consumption is 130 mA. But ADMs that in our circuit can not start with 250mA. they need 350 mA in our circuit. Supply current is limited to 250 mA and ADMs don't start but they sink this 250mA current and becasue of the consant current mode of our supply circuit supply voltage drops to 2.5V. Also some ADMs produce Viso as 3V supply in this situation.
Is there any recommendation for ADMs start up conditions? As a straight forward solution we change our supply circuit. But it seems that they stucked in a constant power mode. Continious power is approximately 5V*130mA=650mW. When they stucked in 2.5V at start up, the power is approx. 625mW.
Best regards