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use a ADM706T with a Microchip PIC?

I've got a project with the SHARC 21489 and it also has an 18F serise PIC.  I'm planning to use an ADM706T as a voltage monitor reset and a watchdog reset for the SHARC.  It would be nice to use the ADM706T to reset both the SHARC and the PIC.

The only issue I see is that the MCLR line on the PIC (used for reset) is also used as a programming pin and is pulled to 12V during programming of the PIC.  I'm concerned that the 12V will damage the ADM706T and the RESET pin on the SHARC.

Is it safe to include the PIC's MCLR line on the RESET output of the ADM706T?


  • Hi Eric,

    Neither SHARC21489 nor ADM706 (nor most of the reset ICs) would be able to withstand 12V on their pins.

    The requirement of 18F series PIC is quite unique, and after some research, you can either do it with discrete components as shown below:

    Or you may choose to use a reset generator from the same company that does the PICs that is specially designed to work with PICs that require ICSP.


  • Hi Eric,

    Neither SHARC21489 nor ADM706 (nor most of the reset ICs) would be able to withstand 12V on their pins.

    The requirement of 18F series PIC is quite unique, and after some research, you can either do it with discrete components as shown below:

    Or you may choose to use a reset generator from the same company that does the PICs that is specially designed to work with PICs that require ICSP.


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