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LT1529-5 Thermal Resistance


I  have  a couple of questions on the LT1529-5 thermal resistance.  

Q1: In the datasheet package information section, we  find the theta J-A = 30 degrees/W  for Q package.

What is the conditions under which the measurements were taken to determine this ?

Was the tab on the package contacted or soldered to a copper layer with some area, or was the package made stood in the still air with no connection to any external metal layer?

Q2: This may not be very meaningful, but please let me ask.

Is a resistance value for thermal resistance from the junction to the  on the package、assuming

the tab has  no connection to any external metal layer?

Best Regards,


  • Thanks for the post.

    Table 1 in the Thermal Considerations section of the datasheet has useful thermal resistance values and gives  the conditions used to derive the thermal resistances. Table 1 and the applicable text are shown in the image below:

    The thermal resistances referred to in the original post from the PACKAGE/ORDER INFORMATION section of the datasheet are accurate according to conventions - probably JEDEC - but the Table 1 thermal resistances mentioned above usually help customers predict device temperatures more easily.

  • Thanks for the post.

    Table 1 in the Thermal Considerations section of the datasheet has useful thermal resistance values and gives  the conditions used to derive the thermal resistances. Table 1 and the applicable text are shown in the image below:

    The thermal resistances referred to in the original post from the PACKAGE/ORDER INFORMATION section of the datasheet are accurate according to conventions - probably JEDEC - but the Table 1 thermal resistances mentioned above usually help customers predict device temperatures more easily.

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