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gate charge current from ltc4366's LTspice model

Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: LTC4366

Hello EngineerZone friends,

I got some questions when using the LTspice model for the device LTC4366. The circuit schematic is shown below.

I was simulating the startup process and below shows some of the simulated waveforms, where V(n002) is the voltage of VDD, and I(R3) is the gate charge current with reversed polarity

My question is about the gate current level during startup. Based on the datasheet of LTC4366, two current sources provide gate charging current, 7.5uA and 20uA. However, I(R3) above doesn't show these current levels, with maximum current about 9uA. Initially the gate current is just about 2uA, and before V(gate) reaches the VDD level the gate current dropped to zero already.

The question I wanted to ask is, this an issue with the LTspice model for LTC4366, or a real device may behaves like the simulated result? Or could be anything wrong with my LTspice circuit model, simulation setup etc?

Thanks in advance.