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PWM signal Level for BINP and TINP pins

Category: Hardware
Product Number: LTC4444-5

Hi ,

    I have generated PWM signals for BINP and TINP pins using an Arty-A7 FPGA(ON Logic +3.3V, OFF Logic 0V). According to the datasheet of LTC4444-5 the typical BG and TG Turn-Off Input Threshold is 2.3V with a min of 1.85V. However, the  PWM signal from RPGA has a minimum voltage of 0V. Will I be able to drive LTC4444-5 with +3.3V signal mentioned above? I ran simulation in LTspice using +3.3V logic PWM signal and its working fine. Can you please confirm the +3.3V logic is sufficient to drive BINP and TINP pins?