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Category: Hardware
Product Number: LTC3108-1

Dear Forum members,

I was trying to boost the voltage generated with TEG. I have connected VS1 to VAUX, VS2 to VAUX. VIN and Ground to TEG. and VOUT and Ground to voltmeter to measure the voltage. However, the output voltage is less than 20mV.

In addition, I used three other connection methods:1.VS1 to Ground, VS2 to VAUX.     2.VS1 to VAUX, VS2 to Ground.      3.VS1 to Ground,VS2 to Ground.            As a result, The output voltage are also less than 20mV.

The voltage produced by teg is about 30-50mV.

How can I achieve voltage values above 3V with LTC3108?

What could be the remedy to this?

I will be happy to have your thought and advise on this.