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How to modify the output voltage of the DC2262A-B demo board?

Category: Hardware
Product Number: LT4276A (DC2262A-B)

I am trying to modify the output voltage of the DC2262A-B demo board from 12V to 13V.  I was expecting to see some form of feedback resistor divider, but the demo board has a 0-ohm to ground on the FB31 pin. 

Am I looking in the right area?  

Also, are there spice circuits for the LT4276A / DC2262A-B?

Thank you.

  • Hello,

    This forward topology using an opto-coupler for feedback. The feedback divider is on the bottom right of the schematic, R47 and R58 near the voltage reference D27. Please reach out to your local ADI FAE, they can assist you with modifying the default schematic for the LT4276A from Flyback to Forward.

    Best Regards,


  • Hello,

    This forward topology using an opto-coupler for feedback. The feedback divider is on the bottom right of the schematic, R47 and R58 near the voltage reference D27. Please reach out to your local ADI FAE, they can assist you with modifying the default schematic for the LT4276A from Flyback to Forward.

    Best Regards,

