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LT3045 output error

Category: Hardware
Product Number: LT3045


 The LT3045 used in my product output abnormal.

 The 16 pieces of LT3045 was used in my product, which convert  the +4.2V to +3.3V. The 16 pieces of LT3094 was used in my product, which convert  the  -4.2V to -3.3V..  The LT3045 and LT3094 supply power to 128 pieces of AD8336. 

  1. The 11 pieces of LT3045 output -0.58V when -4.2V power was supplied first. The other 5 pieces of LT3045 was normal and output +3.3V. The voltage of “SET” pin was -0.52V. This error will continue to exist even if +4.2V has been powered on.
  2. All the 16 pieces of LT3045 output 3.3V when +4.2V power was supplied first.
  3. The 16 pieces of LT3094 is always normal。 

Parents Reply
  • Add the Schottky as I indicated in my last post's image.  I am not sure why the behavior is not consistent.  Part to part behavior may be a little different for this condition.  The LT3094 does not require Schottky diodes since its output can be pulled up above ground with no problem.  LT3094 abs max_2.png
