We are using LTM4622 Dual Output Voltage part for Vout1 3.3V and Vout2 - 1.8V.
The datasheet specifies Frequency pin : For 1.8V, FREQ Pin should be left open to set 1MHz and For 3.3V FREQ Pin to be connected ground with 324K to set 2MHz
Q1: In Two different output (LTM4622) Switching frequency Fsw of regulator will be same for both output, Right?
Q2: In my case, Where I've Vout1-3.3V and Vout2- 1.8V, What should be the Switching frequency set to?
If I set Fsw- 1 MHz, For 3.3V, Inductor ripple current as per the datasheet calculation, it results 2.392 A which is exceeding "1.2A peak-to-peak inductor ripple current"
Same for LTM4705, Vout1-3.3V and Vout2- 1.35,
What should be Fsw?