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Is ADP2291 working as expected in the datasheet or its examples are fail?

Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: ADP2291ARMZ-R7
Software Version: ADP2291

Hello Everyone,

Im working on a battery charger circuit. I set completely the figure-22 and the figure-23 in the datasheet. So more than hundred try and later than weeks. The circuits are not working as expected. This part is important "The circuits are working but not as expected."

Then i find a list in this web site. This list is telling that which products' examples are false and which products' examples are true. According to list the examples are false which has ADP2291. So i will add link and photos about ADP2291. Im waiting different examples or true components which i can use. Also i wonder is this component working healty or the component has a big problem???

A photo is from my circuit and a photo from the list.