I need to supply my circuit with -23V/1A and I'm trying to use the LT8334 to generate the negative voltage.
I have two questions regarding this part, (this is the datasheet to the part):
1. In page 18, equation 35 and 37 to calculate Maximum Duty Cycle: I don't understand how Dmax can be smaller than 1?
2. I'm using the schematic at page 21 of the datasheet to generate -23V/1A (max). This is my schematic (the Inductor is DRQ74-2R2-R as suggested)
I'm able to generate -23V; however, I don't know why but the output current seems to be too low:
whenever I connect the output to my circuitry, the -23V drops to -2V immediately even though there's no (or little) load at all.
Can you advise me on these 2 questions? Thank you very much in advance.
Best Regards,