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LTC4100 Fix TH Resistor

Category: Software
Product Number: LTC4100

Hello Team,

As My smart Batteries don`t have thermal NTC Pin / Signal , I am using fixed 10K resistor to simulate 10K NTC thermistor. Would it be fine to do so ? OR I need to use 300E Fix Resistor between THA/ pin and GND ? 

Using 10K Fixed resistor Flags : RES_UR = 0 , RES_HOT = 0 , RES_COLD = 0  , RES_OR = 0,  Remains Zero.


RES_UR = 0 , RES_HOT = 0 , RES_COLD = 0 , RES_OR = 0
[edited by: Bsuthar at 6:03 PM (GMT -4) on 1 Aug 2022]
  • Hi  ,

    Please take note of the chemistry of the battery that you are using as mentioned in the page 26 of the datasheet regarding on the wakeup charge.

    Knowing more about the nature of your battery will help you arrive at the resistor value that you should use. However, in case that the 10K NTC is the recommended, I think you can use the 10K resistor for simulation purposes.



  • Hi  ,

    Please take note of the chemistry of the battery that you are using as mentioned in the page 26 of the datasheet regarding on the wakeup charge.

    Knowing more about the nature of your battery will help you arrive at the resistor value that you should use. However, in case that the 10K NTC is the recommended, I think you can use the 10K resistor for simulation purposes.



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