Can you provide the following information for EVAL-ADP1074?
・Land size
・Mask opening
・Mask thickness
Best regards.
Hi ron.p san
I have an additional request.
Can you give me the same data on the next evaluation board?
Best Regards.
Hi baggio-san,
Kindly check this file: 20-051893-01A.zip
Hi baggio-san,
Kindly check this file: 20-051893-01A.zip
Hi ron.p-san.
Thank you for your support.
However, when I opened the file I received, I could not confirm the information of the parts.
I checked it in the "Generic_ID.brd" file, but could you check it once?
It seems that there is no file for "View plot", so it would be helpful if you could get that as well.
Best Regards.
Hi baggio-san,
I changed the uploaded zip file. Can you check again?
Hi ron.p-san.
I was able to confirm.
thank you