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About single output 20A in LTpowerCAD of LTM4646


I would like to use it with a single output / 20A of LTM4646.
I want to design using LTPowerCAD, but I couldn't put the channels together in LTM4646.
Since I was able to combine channels with LTM4668A, I think that LTM4646 does not support it.

If you have data that supports single output with LTM4646, I would be grateful if you could share it.

Best Regards,

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember
on Apr 24, 2022 7:38 PM

Hi Knj,

Snip below is from the datasheet of LTM4646 on page 28. Is this what you're looking for?



  • Hello

    thank you for your reply.
    I would like to simulate a circuit that can flow 20A with one output with LTPowerCAD.
    If you have a confirmation method or data that can output 20A per output with LTPowerCAD, please share it.

    I would be grateful if you could reply.

    Best Regards,

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember on Apr 24, 2022 11:36 PM in reply to knj

    Can you confirm if I'm understanding you correctly. You want to use only one phase, and it should be 20A, is that correct?

  • Hi Knj,

    I believe LTpowerCAD can support that. Please open LTpowerCAD and search for LTM4646. Enter your specifications and make sure the max paralleled option is set to 2.

  • Thank you for your reply.

    The data you received seems to have two devices connected in parallel, but is it a collection of two outputs from one device?

    Taking LTM4668A as an example, by setting the output to two, the output of one device is combined.

    However, if you do the same with LTM4646, you will get an error.

    Please let me know if there is a way to combine the outputs of one device with LTM4646.

    I would be grateful if you could reply.

    Best Regards,

  • I think this is because you did not set the max paralleled output to 2. If you look at the two outputs, Vout1 and Vout2, they are tied together. It also says that this design is a 2-phase design with 10A per phase to produce a total output of 20A.

  • Thank you for your reply.

    #Paralleled Phases corresponds to the #n part of the figure, and I thought that two devices were connected.

    If I set #Paralleled Phases to 2, should I recognize that I'm combining 2 outputs from 1 device?

    I would be grateful if you could reply.

    Best Regards,

  • This picture you attached is just a guide on how to parallel modules/devices and not outputs. Each LTM4646 has two outputs in one device which can be connected together to make a 2-phase design (see Figure 19 on page 29 of the datasheet).

    If two LTM4646 are connected in parallel with all outputs tied together, that would be a 4-phase design (see Figure 20 on page 30 of the datasheet).

  • Reply
    • This picture you attached is just a guide on how to parallel modules/devices and not outputs. Each LTM4646 has two outputs in one device which can be connected together to make a 2-phase design (see Figure 19 on page 29 of the datasheet).

      If two LTM4646 are connected in parallel with all outputs tied together, that would be a 4-phase design (see Figure 20 on page 30 of the datasheet).
