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About single output 20A in LTpowerCAD of LTM4646


I would like to use it with a single output / 20A of LTM4646.
I want to design using LTPowerCAD, but I couldn't put the channels together in LTM4646.
Since I was able to combine channels with LTM4668A, I think that LTM4646 does not support it.

If you have data that supports single output with LTM4646, I would be grateful if you could share it.

Best Regards,

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember
on Apr 24, 2022 7:38 PM

Hi Knj,

Snip below is from the datasheet of LTM4646 on page 28. Is this what you're looking for?



  • Hello

    thank you for your reply.
    I would like to simulate a circuit that can flow 20A with one output with LTPowerCAD.
    If you have a confirmation method or data that can output 20A per output with LTPowerCAD, please share it.

    I would be grateful if you could reply.

    Best Regards,

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember on Apr 24, 2022 11:36 PM in reply to knj

    Can you confirm if I'm understanding you correctly. You want to use only one phase, and it should be 20A, is that correct?

  • Hi Knj,

    I believe LTpowerCAD can support that. Please open LTpowerCAD and search for LTM4646. Enter your specifications and make sure the max paralleled option is set to 2.

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