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LTM8065 parallel output


It's possible to parallel the outputs of two or more LTM8065 to obtain more current?

Thank you


  • Hi Gianluca, yes the LTM8065 outputs can be paralleled for more current. You can paralleled multiple LTM8065 by tying the FB, Vout, RUN pins together. Please note the internal pull up resistor of the FB pin are paralleled in this case, so recalculate the voltage setting resistor. If interleaving is needed, it can be realized by the SYNC pins. 

  • Hi Gianluca, yes the LTM8065 outputs can be paralleled for more current. You can paralleled multiple LTM8065 by tying the FB, Vout, RUN pins together. Please note the internal pull up resistor of the FB pin are paralleled in this case, so recalculate the voltage setting resistor. If interleaving is needed, it can be realized by the SYNC pins. 
