The following circuit operates on the bench but isn't stable with a zero load (as shown: R8 is the output current sense resistor):
(Most components are as shown, but the FETs and the 2.5V references are different in the physical circuit, and the AD8226 with gain-setting resistor replaces AD8228 configured for a gain of 100).
I've tried a few things to try and ensure stability, but without success, so have had a go at simulating the circuit in LTSpice to more quickly vary components.
Unfortunately, although an open loop circuit with the LT1166 will simulate, when the feedback is added to create a current source (outputs up to 20A, 0 to 10V in controls 0 to 20A out), LTSpice can't find an operating point. It doesn't throw an error, it just sits there calculating for hours (literally).
Is the LT1166 model too complex for this type of circuit to simulate in a realistic amount of time (I've run it on a reasonably powerful i7-based PC with lots of RAM)?
Are there any settings in LTSpice that I can tweak to make the simulation faster (it would need to be hundreds of times faster)?