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INTVCC_UVLO value of LT8645S


I confirmed the INTVCC_UVLO from the block diagram.
But I can not confirmed value of INTVCC_UVLO.
Let me know if you know this value.

Best regards

  • Hi kshigemori281,

    INTVCC UVLO is an input to the OR gate for the PG pin but this signal can't be controlled. What is the reason this is important in your application? INTVCC is the output for the internal 3.4V regulator and this pin should not be loaded with external circuitry.

  • Hi kshigemori281,

    INTVCC UVLO is an input to the OR gate for the PG pin but this signal can't be controlled. What is the reason this is important in your application? INTVCC is the output for the internal 3.4V regulator and this pin should not be loaded with external circuitry.
