I am trying to use LTC1923 to driver high power TEC and i have some concerns.
Planned working condition:
- The maximum V_TEC is 48V and V_TEC will be controlled to control maximum TEC power rather than using LTC1923 IC voltage and current limiting. Set temperature control is still happening as its operation.
- Full N-MOS H-bridge with highside N-MOS gate driver will be used which has Tpd(propagation delay) of about 400ns + but this is goes on both side so I don't need that much dead time but Tpd has quite large tolerance so I need about 250ns of dead time to avoid both side on time.
- maximum expected current level is 9.6A.
- The minimum 250ns dead time required. Is this okay since the datasheet is only showing up to 150ns?
- When there are 400-500ns delay on the driving circuit, can the controller handle this much delay?
- With the required current level and voltage, the required inductor value is quite high to make smaller I am trying to use higher frequency to make the inductance and capacitance lower. in this case, dead time/on time ratio gets higher which we will lose efficiency. Is there optimal ratio and maximum or minimum ratio? which means operation frequency vs dead time ratio?
Thank you for your help in advance.