in high precision industrial measurement applications, analog signals in the range of +/-10V are most common.
For the supply of the DAC and output OPAmp I need about +/-12V...+/-15V @ max. 10mA
As the main supply rail is +5V, I need a step-up & inverting DC/DC-circuit to get my analog rails.
The voltages don't need good regulation and I don't need galvanic isolation for this rails.
The most demanding requirements are:
1. low EMI - especially on the ground rail
2. very low noise above 100kHz on the +/-12V rails => easy and small filtering possible
3. relatively small circuit - 15 x 15mm would be preferable
I wonder if there is a circuit to do the step-up & inverting with one converter IC?
What topology would be best for low EMI?
Thanks for any hints or circuit proposals.