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ADP3339 minimum input power and tolerance

According to the datasheet ADP3339 has a 2.8 V to 6 V input voltage range. We currently use this device in our design which feed in only 2.48V at the input due to design limitation. I understand that this is not ideal but so far we have minimal fall-out. Without specifying in a new part, could someone please explain the impact of providing insufficient input power and the risk/failure symptoms?



  • Jess,

    Here's our HW engineer's response to your question and his comments:


    in summary, we are using the ADP3339 to provide the 1.8V rails for the AD9788. Unfortunately for us we are using the 2.5V (or 2.48V) rail to provide for the LDOs.


    so according with the AD9788 datasheet:


    Pmax = 1250 mW

    V = 1.8V;

    hence Imax = 700 mA;



    Pmax = 110 mW

    V = 1.8V;

    hence  Imax = 62 mA;


    As I mentioned we are using a ADP3339  (max. 1500 mA) for each rail


    It would be great if you can conduct further test to characterize the lower Power input (2.48V) and impact. We understand that this will require time but we are eager to hear some feedback from the manufacturer.

    Thank you for your support.


  • Jess,

    Here's our HW engineer's response to your question and his comments:


    in summary, we are using the ADP3339 to provide the 1.8V rails for the AD9788. Unfortunately for us we are using the 2.5V (or 2.48V) rail to provide for the LDOs.


    so according with the AD9788 datasheet:


    Pmax = 1250 mW

    V = 1.8V;

    hence Imax = 700 mA;



    Pmax = 110 mW

    V = 1.8V;

    hence  Imax = 62 mA;


    As I mentioned we are using a ADP3339  (max. 1500 mA) for each rail


    It would be great if you can conduct further test to characterize the lower Power input (2.48V) and impact. We understand that this will require time but we are eager to hear some feedback from the manufacturer.

    Thank you for your support.


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