Is there an updated macromodel for the LTC7804? Receive this error when using the provided test fixture in LTSpice:
"Port pin count mismatch..."
Recommended for New Designs
The LTC7804 is a high performance synchronous boost DC/DC switching regulator controller that drives an all N-channel power MOSFET stage. Synchronous...
LTC7804 on
Is there an updated macromodel for the LTC7804? Receive this error when using the provided test fixture in LTSpice:
"Port pin count mismatch..."
Hello engberg,
i just did an update of my LTSpice installation and used the offered test fixture. The error still exist and I will forward your observation towards the LTSpice group
kin regards
Hello engberg,
the model was just fixed last night. I did an sync update this morning and now the LTC7804 test fixture runs just fine on my machine.
Please check for your setup as well.
Happy simulations!
kind regards