I'm designing a power supply for Artix 7 and I have shortlisted LTM4633 and LTM4634 for usage. The plan of usage is this:
LTM4633 (1) - Vout1 - Vccint, Vccbram (1 V)
Vout2 - MGTAVCC (1 V)
Vout3 - MGTAVTT (1.2 V)
LTM4633 (2) Vout1 - Vccaux (1.8 V)
Vout2 - FX3 USB 3.0 tranceiver core-supplies (1.2 V)
Vout3 - FX3 USB GPIF pins and FPGA bank 15 (1.8 V)
LTM4634 Vout1 - DDR3 and Bank 16 -- 1.35 V, calculations indicate a 88.7k will generate ~1.347 V)
Vout2 - All other ICs (like SPI memories, USB-JTAG interfaces etc) and Bank0 and Bank14 (3.3 V)
Vout3 - Banks 34 and 35 (2.5 V for LVDS I/O)
Can someone guide me and verify if this is ok ? also, I find the pins on both the 4633 and 4634 are the same. Are both this ICs compatible ? i.e., given they satisfy the voltage and current requirements, can they be used interchangably ?
Thank you,