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Powering of LTC3897-2

The voltage on the Vin (Pin34) and (CS, SG, DG and Vbias) pins can be different for normal oparation?

Can I limit the voltage on the pin Vin (Pin34) to 14V applying the series resistor and Zener diode like shown in figure 14 and use 24V power supply which powers sircuits conected to pins CS, SG, DG, Vbias, RUN, SGEN, DGEN, IS+, IS-...?

On page 12 in this pdf is indicated when the ideal diode is used at the input to block negative input voltage, connect a Schottky diode from the VIN pin to the VBIAS pin, in this case, can I connect Vbias to IS- pin or another pins? 

  • Hi

    The Zener diode in page 14 of the data sheet is used for surge protection and not meant to be activate normal operation. 

    If you tie Vin to a fix voltage independent of the main power rail its surge and ideal diode functionality would no work properly.


  • It's hard to understand what you are trying to do by wanting get have different voltage levels on these pins. A general guideline would be not to violate the abs. max rating of these pins. It is highly recommended to follow the typical application circuits in datasheet. If your application is unique, please reach out to a local ADI FAE.