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ADP2323ACPZ ripples at output

Hi , 

I am using ADP2323ACPZ for generating 3.3V & 1.2 V . 3.3V is genrating perfectrly however i am getting ripples at output . I am attaching the schematic & output waveform. since there is lot of ripple the FPGA is unable to boot through any mode. 


Parents Reply
  • Dear Ryang , 

    We are using ADP2323, the schematic remains the same as mentioned previously , However there are two capacitors connected at three connectors viz JX1,JX2 & JX3 on which PicoZed board will be connected  , please refer the image attached . when we remove C112,C117 & C120  the regulator generates proper voltage & no noise/ripples been observed. However when we solder those capacitor we find ripples at output . we initially thought if we go with ADP2325 it will resolve our issue. However similar pattern is observed with ADP2325 . Can you please guide me ? 

