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About ADP1613 COMP pin absolute maximum rating


I have a question about COMP pin absolute maximum rating.

In the datasheet, COMP to GND = 1.0V to 1.6V.

But I don't know 1V to 1.6V absolute maximum rating. 

Is the operation range 1V to 1.6V?

My customer found 2.1V COMP pin voltage in the customer board at start-up.

So I would like to confirm about the absolute maximum rating of COMP pin.

Best Regards,


Parents Reply
  • Hi Fil-san


    Than you for your reply.

    Yes, COMP pin connected to RC network only in the customer schematic.

    But COMP pin voltage go to 2.1V at start-up. Please see the following waveform.


    I would like to confirm about the COMP Clamp High Voltage function.

    Because ADP1621 have this function.(Vcomp.clamp=2Vtyp)

    Do ADP1613 likely to have this founction?


    Best Regards,



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