Our Last Query with title "Query - LT3759 SEPIC Converter regulates to 23V instead of 28V for an load current of 3.5A" was still not replied even after multiple reminders. Kindly suggest solution for the query.
The LT3759 is a wide input range, current mode, DC/DC controller which is capable of regulating either positive or negative output voltages from a single...
LT3759 on Analog.com
Our Last Query with title "Query - LT3759 SEPIC Converter regulates to 23V instead of 28V for an load current of 3.5A" was still not replied even after multiple reminders. Kindly suggest solution for the query.
Hi VinithS,
Apologies for the delay. Kevin has responded to your previous question: Query - LT3759 SEPIC Converter Output regulates to 23V instead of 28V for an load current of 3.5A. - Discussions - Power By Linear - EngineerZone (analog.com)
Hi VinithS,
Apologies for the delay. Kevin has responded to your previous question: Query - LT3759 SEPIC Converter Output regulates to 23V instead of 28V for an load current of 3.5A. - Discussions - Power By Linear - EngineerZone (analog.com)