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Our part is operating at 1MHz in the normal condition.

5 volt to 33volt - boost configuration

Current is 25mA


We would like to know what is the minimum and maximum PWM frequency this IC Can run for dimming . As per the datasheet its dimming ratio is 1000:1.

Does it have any Calcultion ?  

  • Thank you for the post.  LED driver controllers similar to the LT3476 were not designed to PWM dim the LED brightness at repeat rates that are lower than around 100Hz.  If the repeat rate is lower than 100Hz, your eyes will see the blinking of the LEDs and that is not desirable in many cases.  Also for PWM dimming repeat rates that are slower than around 100Hz, the output capacitor will discharge too much when the LED is off and the over-discharged COUT will affect the accuracy of the current initially when the LED is turned back on.  The excerpt from the LT3476 datasheet section called Dimming Control shown in the image below discusses the minimum amount of time that the LT3476 needs when the PWM input is on or off, and those time minimums determine the maximum frequency of the PWM dimming repeat rate. 

    Some recent LED drivers like the LT3922 perform better than the LT3476 when the LED is off a relatively long time because the LT3922 is designed for such "machine vision" applications. 

    LT3476 DS Dim Control_1.png

  • Hi

    Thanks for the reply, we go through it and we have a doubt on negative transition of the PWM, means  toff of the duty cycle for PWM.

    For 50 KHz PWM frequency what can be the minimum Toff time .Our switching cycle is 1us sec so for dimming minimum PWM on time should be 10us .there is a margin of 10us for the off time. We would like to know how low toff can be

  • You can add an NMOS in series with the LED strings to turn the LEDs off very quickly.  Just drive the NMOS with your PWM signals.  I show the method in the image below and this method is referred to as the "disconnect" in the above text.  The text above also says that the LT3476 will start switching again after at least one microsecond when PWM goes high again.

    LT3476 DS boost app_2.png

  • You can add an NMOS in series with the LED strings to turn the LEDs off very quickly.  Just drive the NMOS with your PWM signals.  I show the method in the image below and this method is referred to as the "disconnect" in the above text.  The text above also says that the LT3476 will start switching again after at least one microsecond when PWM goes high again.

    LT3476 DS boost app_2.png

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