In general, yes. See below table. The maximum balancing current is limited by package power dissipation, average die temperature, average duty-cycle of the switch, and the number of switches conducting current at any one time. The power dissipation must not exceed the absolute maximum rating of the package nor should the die temperature go outside the range specified for the desired level of measurement accuracy. Higher die temperatures and higher average duty-cycles increase the probability of internal electromigration and so the maximum balancing current is lowered accordingly as shown in below table for an assumed 10-year device lifetime.
For 300mA cell-balancing requirmentm the die temperature should be << 105C and assuming that the lifetime duty cycle of a given switch is no more than 20%. Power dissipation depends on the cell voltage where 300mA occurs, but it is probably around 0.5W. So, this could be possible. In general, almost all of our customers are using less than 100mA. It would be unusual to require 300mA.