Fast-Charge Safety Timer can be set T_FAST_ CHG (0x24h).
If this register is changed during fast charging, existing timer count will be reset to zero and restart counting?
Or timer count will not be changed (keep counting) even though T_FAST_ CHG is changed?
Answer :
If the timer already started, then changing T_FAST_CHG does not do anything (including T_FAST_CHG = 0x0).
If the timer needs to be changed, the host can disable the charger, change T_FAST_CHG, and then reenable the charger.
Once charge timer is started, changing T_FAST_CHG register will be ignored. It means customer cannot disable timer by T_FAST_CHG=0b00.
So customer needs to disable charger (CHG_EN=0) before T_FAST_CHG register change.