Could you send me an example of LTC6811-2 communication via SPI? I could only find examples with isoSPI. I need cell voltage discharge codes.
The LTC6811 is a multicell battery stack monitor that measures up to 12 series connected battery cells with a total measurement error of less than 1.2mV...
LTC6811-2 on
Could you send me an example of LTC6811-2 communication via SPI? I could only find examples with isoSPI. I need cell voltage discharge codes.
We do not have any example code for SPI communication for LTC6811, it should not be hard to do this code since the commands which go to isoSPI transceiver (LTC6820 or ADBSM6821/22) from microcontroller can be directly sent to LTC6811 instead of the transceiver for SPI communication.
Forgive me for not explaining my problem in more detail. I am using 2 slave cards and I cannot control the balancing on both integrated circuits separately. Either both of them balance the same cells with my 2nd slave or they do not balance at all. Since the library is for isoSPI, I could not set the addressing.