I use the galvanic isolation for the SPI lines of communication with MCU (CS, CLK, MOSI, MISO). The MCU side of this isolator is obviously power by +3.3V referenced to MCU isolated GND. I want to know what is recommended way to power the LTC6811 side of this isolator ?
In the past , experimenting with DC2259A demo board, I tried to use Vreg from the demo board which is produced by NPN transistor driven by DRIVE pin but it did not work as I believe that from the start the chip is in IDLE state, hence the DRIVE is inactive , hence no Vreg (NPN transistor closed) and the LTC side of the galv. isolator is not powered, hence no SPI signal (CS and CLK from MCU) can reach the LTC chip to wake it up. So LTC6811 never wakes up. Is it so? Seems that On board DRIVE-generated Vreg is not usable for SPI communication.
This suggests that the only possible way to use SPI through the galvanic isolator is to provide +5V power from the external source referenced to the same common GND of the LTC board, even if the Vreg is produced on board. And this external +5V should power at least the LTC side of the isolator only... or may be also to power Vreg input pin of LTC6811-1 ?
Which way is correct?