My customer is reviewing ADI BMS solutions and ask some questions about daisy configuration.
Please refer Fig.18/Fig.19 in LTC6812-1 datasheet.
Q1) Would you let me know your opinions about advantages and disadvantages of Capacitive-Coupled Daisy-Chain Configuration and Transformer-Isolated Daisy-Chain Configuration?
1-1) Capacitive-Coupled Daisy-Chain Configuration :
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- Differences against Transformer-Isolated Daisy-Chain Configuration
1-2) Transformer-Isolated Daisy-Chain Configuration :
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- Differences against Capacitive-Coupled Daisy-Chain Configuration
Q2) If they use ADI BMS in robust enviroment, should they use Transformer-Isolated Daisy-Chain Configuration?