Original Question: troubles with SPICE models of AD8033 and AD8065 by qwerty1234
i am working with your open SPICE models of AD8033 and AD8065
and i am having troubles with the voltage gain characterization.
I would like to reproduce the OPEN-LOOP response
as appears in your datasheet, using the small-signal
AC mode of LTSPICE and/or ADISIMPE.
1) AD8065 fails with LTSPICE and ADISIMPE giving the same wrong response in both simulators.
2) AD8033 fails with LTSPICE but ADISIMPE gives a reasonable response.
3) TI-OPA129 with LTSPICE gives a response reasonabily similar to the datasheet.
4) OP113 fails with LTSPICE and ADISIMPE giving the same wrong response in both simulators.
but I am able to obtain a reasonable response using a series 100R resistor with the high impedance input.
I send you screen shoots with circuit/model details.
I will be happy to provide any other simultation result or information of your interest.
Thanks in advance,
Verified Answer: RE: troubles with SPICE models of AD8033 and AD8065 by ezadminThis question has been assumed as answered either offline via email or with a multi-part answer. This question has now been closed out. If you have an inquiry related to this topic please post a new question in the applicable product forum.
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EZ Admin
Question: RE: troubles with SPICE models of AD8033 and AD8065 by JinoL
Hi Eduardo,
I did a sanity check with our models and got results the same as specified in the datasheet. AD8033 updated SPICE model was not yet uploaded, and I'm attaching it here. Please also note that Open-Loop Gain response in SPICE models has a different test circuit as compared to your simulation.
Question: RE: troubles with SPICE models of AD8033 and AD8065 by FormerMember
Your test circuit is illegal. Op amps are designed to operate closed loop.
Look at the DC voltages on each node. I would bet that the op amp output is slammed up
against the rail. See the app note.