Original Question: CN0337 in ADIsimPE by scott932
I have created the CN0337 reference design for 3 wire RTDs in ADIsimPE and woiuld like to see VOUT and data from a current probe I placed in the circuit. But I am not sure what type of analysis to run. Anyone have experience with this reference design?
Verified Answer: RE: CN0337 in ADIsimPE by ezadminThis question has been assumed as answered either offline via email or with a multi-part answer. This question has now been closed out. If you have an inquiry related to this topic please post a new question in the applicable product forum.
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EZ Admin
Question: RE: CN0337 in ADIsimPE by scott932
Transient analysis is what I need but I am not seeing the expected output
Question: RE: CN0337 in ADIsimPE by JinoL
Hi Scott,
Please perform DC sweep analysis. See images below:
The sweep values were based on the operation of the circuit note ( 0ºC TO 300°C or 100Ω TO 212.05Ω).