Original Question: In trouble simulating IN-AMP by Tarzan
Hi there,
I'm in trouble to simulate IN-AMP, AD623.
I'd like to check transient analysis, but for some reason the output of AD623 does not work....
There is the error message,
Device AD623 found in C:\Program Files\ADIsimPE_720\support\Models\analog_devices_linear_encrypted.lb
Error : Cannot find vector of name 'U1_OUT'
I think this is the model issue, can you tell me how to fix this problem?
My virsion is 7.20 and I attached the file just in case.
Best regards,
Verified Answer: RE: In trouble simulating IN-AMP by ezadminThis question has been assumed as answered either offline via email or with a multi-part answer. This question has now been closed out. If you have an inquiry related to this topic please post a new question in the applicable product forum.
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EZ Admin
Question: RE: In trouble simulating IN-AMP by JGunao
Hi Tarzan,
Thanks for using ADIsimPE in your simulation. Could you try to adding a load resistor at the output of the AD623?, then try to run the simulation. Let me know if this works.
Question: RE: In trouble simulating IN-AMP by Tarzan
I can see the output voltage after adding a load resistor.
Can you explain why this happened?
And one more thing, I set the input sine wave for differential wave(V4,V5) , but I realized hat the result of the wave is a bit strange.
The phase is not shifted for 180 degree for some reason....
It would be also appreciated if you give me a hand.
Best regards,