Original Question: Simulation using AD8336, AD736 and AD8551 spice models in Pspice by sakshi_rawal
I have this circuit to be simulated in Pspice. I'm a complete newbie to it. But so far have managed to make the schematic (adding external components, which were not available already in the library). I have added models for AD8336, AD736 and AD8551 externally (models for which were available on Analaog devices website). Now when I try to run my simulation, I get errors as to the sub circuits used by AD8336 and AD736 are undefined (although I have added the libraries for both the AD8336 and AD8551 to my design in the simulation profile). Kindly help. I really feel stuck up at this point. I got to make this work anyhow. |
Error Log:**** 10/07/15 10:45:53 ****** PSpice Lite (October 2012) ****** ID# 10813 ****
** Profile: "SCHEMATIC1-AGC Analysis" [ C:\OrCAD\OrCAD_16.6_Lite\tools\capture\agc_sim-pspicefiles\schematic1\agc analysis.sim ]
** Creating circuit file "AGC Analysis.cir"
* Profile Libraries :
* Local Libraries :
.LIB "C:/OrCAD/OrCAD_16.6_Lite/tools/pspice/library/ad736.lib"
.LIB "C:/OrCAD/OrCAD_16.6_Lite/tools/pspice/library/ad8551.lib"
.LIB "C:/OrCAD/OrCAD_16.6_Lite/tools/pspice/library/ad8336.lib"
* From [PSPICE NETLIST] section of C:\Users\Sakshi_Project_staff\AppData\Roaming\SPB_16.6\cdssetup\OrCAD_PSpice/16.6.0/PSpice.ini fi
.lib "nomd.lib"
*Analysis directives:
.TRAN 0 10ms 0
.PROBE64 V(alias(*)) I(alias(*)) W(alias(*)) D(alias(*)) NOISE(alias(*))
.INC "..\SCHEMATIC1.net"
* source AGC_SIM
V_V5 N13626 GND 5Vdc
X_U1 N13234 N13194 N13510 GND N13478 GND GND N13478 N13910 N133221
+ N13784 AD8336
R_R4 GND N13194 1k TC=0,0
C_C9 GND N13330 4.7n TC=0,0
R_R6 N13258 N13290 10k TC=0,0
X_U2 GND N13590 N15826 N13578 GND N13626 N13290 N13310 AD736
V_V3 N13784 GND 5Vdc
V_V1 GND N13030 5Vdc
R_R7 N133221 N13330 100 TC=0,0
C_C3 GND N13082 0.1u TC=0,0
C_C5 N13234 N13258 0.022u TC=0,0
V_V6 GND N13578 -5Vdc
R_R5 N13230 N13258 10k TC=0,0
C_C11 N13510 N13478 1n TC=0,0
C_C1 GND N13030 0.1u TC=0,0
R_R10 N13510 N13478 1k TC=0,0
C_C6 N13578 N13310 33u TC=0,0
V_V4 GND N13672 5Vdc
R_R1 N13118 N13082 9.09k TC=0,0
R_R9 N13768 N13510 1k TC=0,0
X_U3 N13672 N13234 GND N13258 N13648 AD8551
R_R3 N13194 N13082 1k TC=0,0
C_C4 N13230 N13234 2.2u TC=0,0
R_R11 GND N13590 1Meg TC=0,0
C_C7 N13330 OUTPUT 10u TC=0,0
C_C10 N13590 OUTPUT 0.1u TC=0,0
R_R13 N13118 N13648 500 TC=0,0
V_V2 N13910 GND -5Vdc
R_R12 GND N13648 500 TC=0,0
C_C12 N15826 N13290 10u TC=0,0
V_V9 N13768 GND AC 5V
+SIN 0V 5V 50 0 0 0
**** RESUMING "AGC Analysis.cir" ****
X_U1.E_U4_E8 X_U1.VPBUF 0 TABLE { V(10#, 0) } 0 0 2.8 0 3.0 1.6 5 3.6
+ 12 10.6 15 13.6 uselim
ERROR(ORPSIM-16152): Invalid number
ERROR(ORPSIM-16049): Values must be monotonic increasing
+ E_U4_E9 VNBUF 0 TABLE { V(8#, 0) } -15 -13.6 -12 -10.6 -5 -3.6 -3.0
+ -1.6 -2.8 0 0 0 uselim
X_U1.X_U4_D5 N13478 X_U1.VPBUF DC_1mV_1A_1V_1nA
X_U1.C_U4_C3 0 X_U1.U4_S3 1n
X_U1.R_U4_R4 0 GND 450K
X_U1.C_U4_C5 0 X_U1.U4_N24227 2.5p
X_U1.E_U4_E7 X_U1.U4_N254725 0 VALUE {V(U4_N349891,0)*V(POK,0)}
X_U1.R_U4_R6 0 N13510 450k
X_U1.C_U4_C1 N13510 N13478 2p
X_U1.G_U4_G4 0 X_U1.U4_N24227 X_U1.U4_S3 0 1
X_U1.C_U4_C4 N13510 0 6p
X_U1.X_U4_D6 X_U1.VNBUF N13478 DC_1mV_1A_1V_1nA
X_U1.X_U4_S1 X_U1.PWRAL 0 X_U1.U4_N254725 X_U1.U4_S3 PrA_U4_S1
X_U1.E_U4_E6 X_U1.U4_N349891 0 GND N13510 1.0
X_U1.C_U4_C2 GND 0 6p
X_U1.G_U4_G3 X_U1.U4_N24227 N13478 TABLE { V(U4_N24227, 4#) } -15
+ -60m -1m -50m 0 0 1m 50m 15 60m uselim
ERROR(ORPSIM-16152): Invalid number
ERROR(ORPSIM-16049): Values must be monotonic increasing
+ G_U2_G8 8 0 PWRAL 0 11m
X_U1.X_U2_U12 PARAMS X_U2_U12.TH -2.8 N13910 X_U1.U2_N958367
X_U1.R_U2_R14 0 N13910 50K
X_U1.R_U2_R11 0 N13784 50K
X_U1.G_U2_G6 N13910 0 X_U1.POK 0 14m
X_U1.X_U2_U16 X_U1.U2_N968984 X_U1.POK X_U1.PWRAL AND
X_U1.X_U2_U14 X_U1.U2_N958933 X_U1.U2_N958855 X_U1.POK AND
X_U1.R_U2_R13 0 N13910 50K
X_U1.V_U2_V1 X_U1.U2_AGAINDB1 X_U1.U2_AGAINDB2 12.04
X_U1.G_U2_G3 0 X_U1.U2_AGAINDB1 TABLE { V(VGN, 6#) } -1.0 -14.0 -0.7
+ -14.0 -0.6 -12.5 -0.52 -9.3 0.0 17.0 0.2 27.0 0.4 37.0 0.5 42.0 0.6
+ 46.0 1.0 46.0 uselim
ERROR(ORPSIM-16152): Invalid number
ERROR(ORPSIM-16049): Values must be monotonic increasing
+ X_U2_D13 1 10 GEN_DIODE
X_U1.R_U2_R8 0 X_U1.U2_AGAINDB1 1
X_U1.E_U2_E1 X_U1.VGN 0 N13194 N13234 1
X_U1.X_U2_U15 X_U1.U2_N967091 GND X_U1.U2_N968984 COMPARATOR
X_U1.G_U2_G7 N13784 0 X_U1.PWRAL 0 11m
X_U1.X_U2_U13 X_U1.U2_N958367 X_U1.U2_N958855 INVERTER
X_U1.E_U2_ABM1 X_U1.AGAIN 0 VALUE { (10**(V(U2_AGAINDB2)/20))*V(POK)
+ }
X_U1.R_U2_R12 0 N13784 50K
X_U1.C_U2_C5 0 X_U1.U2_AGAINDB1 20n
X_U1.X_U2_U11 PARAMS X_U2_U11.TH 2.8 N13784 X_U1.U2_N958933
X_U1.G_U2_G5 N13784 0 X_U1.POK 0 14m
X_U1.X_U2_D14 N13910 N13234 GEN_DIODE
X_U1.E_U2_E2 X_U1.U2_N967091 0 TABLE { V(10#, 0) } 0 0 3 0.7 5 1.2 12
+ 3.2 uselim
ERROR(ORPSIM-16152): Invalid number
ERROR(ORPSIM-16049): Values must be monotonic increasing
+ X_U2_D16 0 10 GEN_DIODE
X_U1.X_U2_D15 N13910 N13194 GEN_DIODE
X_U1.E_U3_E8 X_U1.U3_CMOUT X_U1.U3_N55982 GND 0 1
X_U1.E_U3_ABM1 X_U1.U3_N62113 0 VALUE { MIN(PWR(V(AGAIN),1),1.6) }
X_U1.E_U3_E7 X_U1.U3_N55982 0 TABLE { V(VGN, 0) } -0.7 -2m -0.6 -4m
+ -0.5 -8m -0.45 -10m -0.4 -14m -0.35 -15m -0.3 -11m -0.25 -9m -0.2
+ -11m -0.1 -22m 0.0 -25m 0.1 -16m 0.2 -19m 0.3 -32m 0.4 -52m 0.5
+ -80m 0.6 -120m 0.65 -128m 0.7 -127m uselim
ERROR(ORPSIM-16152): Invalid number
ERROR(ORPSIM-16049): Values must be monotonic increasing
+ E_U3_ABM2 U3_N61993 0 VALUE { (V(U3_RIN)-V(U3_ROUT))/nonzero(V(U3_N62113))
+ }
X_U1.G_U3_G3 X_U1.U3_N48981 X_U1.U3_N48971 TABLE { V(U3_N48981, U3_N48971)
+ } -15 -75m -1m -64.8m 0 0 1m 64.8m 15 75m uselim
ERROR(ORPSIM-16152): Invalid number
ERROR(ORPSIM-16049): Values must be monotonic increasing
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit DC_1mV_1A_1V_1nA used by X_U1.X_U4_D5 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit GEN_DIODE used by X_U1.X_U4_D15 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit GEN_DIODE used by X_U1.X_U4_D13 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit DC_1mV_1A_1V_1nA used by X_U1.X_U4_D6 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit PrA_U4_S1 used by X_U1.X_U4_S1 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit COMPARATOR2 used by X_U1.X_U2_U12 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit AND used by X_U1.X_U2_U16 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit AND used by X_U1.X_U2_U14 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit COMPARATOR used by X_U1.X_U2_U15 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit INVERTER used by X_U1.X_U2_U13 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit COMPARATOR2 used by X_U1.X_U2_U11 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit GEN_DIODE used by X_U1.X_U2_D14 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit GEN_DIODE used by X_U1.X_U2_D15 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit DC_1mV_1A_1V_1nA used by X_U1.X_U3_D7 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit GEN_DIODE used by X_U1.X_U3_D18 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit DC_1mV_1A_1V_1nA used by X_U1.X_U3_D6 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit GEN_DIODE used by X_U1.X_U3_D17 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit VGA_U3_S1 used by X_U1.X_U3_S1 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit GEN_DIODE used by X_U1.X_U3_D15 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit AEIOPAMP0 used by X_U2.X3 is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit AEIOPAMP1 used by X_U2.X1 is undefined
Verified Answer: RE: Simulation using AD8336, AD736 and AD8551 spice models in Pspice by ezadminThis question has been assumed as answered either offline via email or with a multi-part answer. This question has now been closed out. If you have an inquiry related to this topic please post a new question in the applicable product forum.
Thank you,
EZ Admin
Question: RE: Simulation using AD8336, AD736 and AD8551 spice models in Pspice by iamPhil
Hello Sakshi,
I'm looking into it. but have you tried running it in other simulation platform? ADISimPE?
Question: RE: Simulation using AD8336, AD736 and AD8551 spice models in Pspice by jstaley
Thanks for contacting us.I have a couple of suggestions:
1.Since you are bring the AD736 and AD8336 models into the program, it is sometimes tricky to make models work. Be sure the model names and nomenclature inside the SPICE engine are spelled exactly as they are in the model, otherwise you will get the message you see. In fact the message is pretty generic, you'll see it every time there is a typo somewhere.
2. I see you're using PSPICE Lite. Such programs are usually node limited and your model is pretty large. Try testing the new models individually in a separate schematic to troubleshoot smaller files. After you get the models to work as basic parts, then connect everything together.
3. When analyzing the number of nodes in a circuit, remember SPICE also counts the nodes in a subcircuit, e.g. NPN or PNP transistors often contain multiple nodes.
4. When you get the models to run, be careful about transient analysis. You usually have to use pretty high resolution to get the model to converge, especially in circuits with feedback such as agc's.
5. The AD736 and AD8336 models were tested and we can share test reports. Please send email contact information as I was unable to attaché to this EZ inquiry.
Good luck!!
Question: RE: Simulation using AD8336, AD736 and AD8551 spice models in Pspice by sakshi_rawal
Hi Phil
Thanks for your revert. I have just tries simulating it on Pspice as of now. Any joy in debugging of the errors?
Thanks for trying, I hope I'm able to make it work.
Question: RE: Simulation using AD8336, AD736 and AD8551 spice models in Pspice by sakshi_rawal
Hi jstaley
Thank you for reverting. I can try working on your suggestions but I'm a complete newbie at circuit simulation, and Pspice. Have worked with Simulink a bit, long back though. I'm sure the models must be working, its just that a when we try including them in a different platform, at times there are compatibility issues due to syntax or typos as mentioned. Nonetheless, I'll be glad if you can share the test reports, I might find something useful on how to use these models. Here is the e-mail id: sakshi92111@gmail.com
Question: RE: Simulation using AD8336, AD736 and AD8551 spice models in Pspice by sakshi_rawal
Hi jstaley
Could you please help me out with this issue. I'm still not able to sort it out. Its kinda urgent. Thanks
Also, please share the test reports as suggested as soon as possible
Question: RE: Simulation using AD8336, AD736 and AD8551 spice models in Pspice by sakshi_rawal
Hi Phil
Kindly help me with this issue. Any help will be appreciated. Shall be highly grateful to you.