Original Question: Simulate with an AMP03, Importing Models by alanhh
I have found that the library comes with the AMP01,02, and 04, but not the AMP03. Naturally it is the one I need. I am just now learning this particular suite and I am having trouble adding the desired component to the library. I have seen many great example showing one simply dragging and dropping a spice file into the command prompt for ADIsimPE. However, the manufacture website, Analog Devices, only offers .BXL files for this component. It is then pointed out that I can use Ultra Librarian to correct that but I'm not having any luck figuring out what needs to happen. I can get Ultra Librarian to process the .BXL file into a number of different tool formats but none of them appear to be compatible with ADIsimPE. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
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EZ Admin
Question: RE: Simulate with an AMP03, Importing Models by alanhh
I already did, that is what I started with but with a maximum of 200uA on the source it forces me to do a great many other things I wont need to do with the AMP03.
Question: RE: Simulate with an AMP03, Importing Models by FormerMember
Before you get too far along in your design, you may want to consider that the AMP03 came out in 1989.
I would look at the AD8276, which came out in 2009.
Question: RE: Simulate with an AMP03, Importing Models by alanhh
My core problem has been solved a completely different way. That said, I still want to know how to use this software. Allow me generalize the question.
How do I get ADIsimPE and Ultra LIbrarian to work together to add models for any device of any kind?
Have I misinterpreted what Analog Devices has posted on their website? It does seem to me that these are suppose to work for this purpose but I seem to be missing something.
Question: RE: Simulate with an AMP03, Importing Models by FormerMember
I don't understand "...200 uA on the source...."
Do you need the higher bw of the AMP03?
Just want to make sure you don't have a ten year product life and have to worry
about obsolescence.