Original Question: Is there a license expiration period for ADIsimPE ??? by Varistor
Is there a license expiration period for ADIsimPE ???
Verified Answer: RE: Is there a license expiration period for ADIsimPE ??? by ezadminThis question has been assumed as answered either offline via email or with a multi-part answer. This question has now been closed out. If you have an inquiry related to this topic please post a new question in the applicable product forum.
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EZ Admin
Question: RE: Is there a license expiration period for ADIsimPE ??? by LucaV
ADisimPE is updated regularly (currently at 7.2), if you have the latest version it should not expire. But if you have an older version (like 7.1) that would most likely have expired.
When we move to 7.3 for example 7.2 will then expire after a period of time.
I do not have exact dates for you because it depends on each version. The recommendation is to keep your version fresh and you can do that from the software directly or download a new version from www.analog.com/ADIsimPE
Suggested Answer: RE: Is there a license expiration period for ADIsimPE ??? by daverowe
If you have updates set to "Never", then you'll receive a "License has expired" message if ADIsimPE has a required update or patch. Simply, click help > Updates and install the required updates and the error message will go away.
Question: RE: Is there a license expiration period for ADIsimPE ??? by John.Ellenberger
First, our apologies on the error! We have an email going out to registered users outlining the problem and its solutions. I've also posted these directions here in the community. That discussion can be found at:
As mentioned in the post/email please contact us directly at adisimpe@analog.com if these instructions do not solve your issue.
John E.