Original Question: Encrypted SPICE AD797 and AD734 by dhhsieh
Can someone please give me encrypted ADIsimPE files for the AD797 low noise op amp and the AD734 analog multiplier?
I have hit the 'too many nodes' limit.
Daniel H.
Verified Answer: RE: Encrypted SPICE AD797 and AD734 by jstaley
Hi Daniel,
I haven't been able to access the SPICE directory as yet, however I can suggest that if you're getting a 'too many nodes' message you may have the free version of ADIsimPE. If that is the case, you'll need a full blown version,
as all SPICE models for ICs have many more nodes than show in the symbol.
Question: RE: Encrypted SPICE AD797 and AD734 by jstaley
Hello Daniel,
I will check into this for you.