Original Question: high speed pulses with AD8009an in ADIsimPE by Dilletant
Hi all,
I am trying to simulate high speed pulses with AD8009an.
Input signal are short pulses 500ps rise time, 500ps width, 8ns fall time, 12,5ns period (red trace).
I want the signal to be amplified (gain 2) and offset to be symmetrical to 0V.
The output is not quite what I would have expected...
Even if I reduce speed, the result is not what I would expect from theory.
The offset is not as predicted. An offset of -1V should be added, but the simulation says its less:
I tried LMH6702 which should have even greater bandwidth, but results are even worse:
Is this a problem with ADIsim or is the Opamp not suited for this purpose?
Verified Answer: RE: high speed pulses with AD8009an in ADIsimPE by Dilletant
Hi Harry,
thanks for the quick reply!
Changing the resistors did miracles ;-)
I am now gathering some basic info on current feedback OpAmps.
I literally knew nothing about those speciality parts and have to learn a lot...
The document you referenced is a valuable source to start, thank you very much!
Best regards,