Original Question: encrypted models for amplifiers by timothy.starr
We are currently running 7.2, but can not simulate ourentire circuit due to node restrictions.
It seems that ADA4817, AD8274 and ADA4937 are not encrypted. Are there any plans to encrypt them?
Thanks and Best Regards,
-Tim Starr on behalf of JS@NT
Verified Answer: RE: encrypted models for amplifiers by LucaV
Here are schematics with the encrypted AD8274 and ADA4937.
This will be included in the library in the future.
The ADA4817 is not currently available for encryption.
Best Regards,
Question: RE: encrypted models for amplifiers by LucaV
these should be available in a future update. For now it may be possible to simulate these op-amps if you add 1 or 2 of the already encrypted op-amps on the same schematics (even if not used). Although these are fairly detailed models so it will need to be tried.
Question: RE: encrypted models for amplifiers by timothy.starr
Hi LucaV-
Adding more devices will overcome the nodes restrictions? How does that work?
Thanks for your help