Original Question: 2015080- Anveshan 2014 by KoushiK_KopS
I m trying to simulate this circuit in ADIsimPE. But i m getting the following error.
"*** ERROR *** Cannot find DC operating point - No convergence in pseudo transient analysis"
what does this error mean and how to debug it?.
Verified Answer: RE: 2015080- Anveshan 2014 by JGunao
Hi Koushik,
Transient analysis' convergence error in ADIsimPE commonly occurs when there are circuit problems that exist in which the simulator itself can't handle. In your case, the most probable reason that the error occured because the pin order of the AD8221 model is incorrect.
We are currently working on this, so that it will be fixed in the next version of ADIsimPE.
As of now, the solution to this problem is to change the pin order of the AD8221 model using the Edit Symbol command. To do this, please right click to the AD8221 symbol and click Edit Symbol. When the symbol window comes up, under the "Property/Pin" choose "Edit Pin Order". Pin order must be re-arranged like this.
Click OK, then under "File" click "Save" then "OK". Close the symbol window. After this, re-run your simulation. You can now expect your simulation to run without any error.
On the other hand, I also noticed that your input is not properly grounded. Kindly add a ground symbol to the input side, otherwise you'll not get the desired output.
I hope this helps.
Question: RE: 2015080- Anveshan 2014 by JGunao
Hi Koushik,
I'm glad that I helped you in your simulation. Please let me know if you need anything else. Also, thanks for using ADIsimPE.
Question: RE: 2015080- Anveshan 2014 by KoushiK_KopS
Thanks a lot JGunao.
its working properly now.