Original Question: ADIsimPE How do I check the number of node by tmineno
Hi All,
Because of existing the limit of the number of node, I'd like to check it on ADIsimPE.
Is there any function to count current node?
Verified Answer: RE: ADIsimPE How do I check the number of node by LucaV
there is no function in ADIsimPE or SIMETRIX/SIMPLIS to count nodes or components on the schematics.
The limitations on ADIsimPE are not fixed, they depend on the needed schematics necessary for making a specific component simulate with a typical application circuit IN ADDITION to the limitation of the Intro version (listed below).
If you are exceeding nodes or component limitations the simulator will show an error message about limitations being exceeded as soon as you try to simulate. It is possible that if you add an additional ADI component, the node/component limitations will increase and you may be able to simulate a larger circuit.
This is the message you will see if you try to simulate a schematics that's too complex.
These are the minimum limitations, SIMetrix and SIMetrix/SIMPLIS Intro
ADI encrypted components will have a higher limitation based on components needed to run a typical circuit for the ICs on the schematics, the limitations are difference for different ICs.