How long have you been affiliated with Analog Devices (ADI)? What projects have you collaborated on?
How long have you been affiliated with Analog Devices (ADI)? What projects have you collaborated on?
Tri-Star Design has been a client of Analog Devices for many years, and has found the their technology to always be state of the art and of high quality. A stronger partnership began when Tri-Star Design used the ADI Blackfin DSP on a project funded by Homeland Security, to provide video processing in a handheld implement. More recently, in our new role as Design Partner, we have collaborated on several Medical Instrumentation projects utilizing new ADI devices targeted specifically in the Medical and Wearable space. ADI has provided in-depth training to the Tri-Star development team, in order that we can now use this devices to support several market opportunities. Our relationship continues to grow, and to be a Win-Win for ADI, Tri-Star and our end clients